
Introduction to the Old Testament: From Its Origins to the Closing of the Alexandrian Canon is unavailable, but you can change that!

J. Alberto Soggin interacts with the Hebrew Bible in this standard survey, now in its third edition. His critique of these texts as a whole provide a nuanced and helpful discussion suitable for an academic audience.

truth seemed to be precisely the oppposite, and Ezekiel therefore had to become an artificial work at a stroke, possibly put together with scissors and paste, with a fictitious order and fictitious chronology. Today, however, as with the other prophets, the tendency is to examine each passage in Ezekiel on its own merits, deciding on the authenticity, the inauthenticity or the dubious character of each one of them in turn. Thus it is possible to find some interpolations in 27:2–9a; 25–37; in ch.
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